Samurai Star Megazord tries to stop Eyesac with Bee Spinner.
Storm Megazord joins the fun and unites with Green's zord to become
Samurai Storm Megazord and their Finisher tries to stop Eyesac but it
Red calls for the Mammoth but its beam fails to work on Eyesac.
Here's a shot of the computer monitor showing that both Oboro and
Shurikenger are creating a new weapon so that it will help them combine
the 3 Megazords together

Here are the new Disc - 15,16 and 17.

Here are Power Spheres 15, 16 and 17

Here are the 3 newest Power Spheres as seen in one shot

Here are the 3 pieces that were in Spheres 15-17

Ninja Firebird 
Hurricane Megazord cockpit

Hurricane Megazord 
Here's the Megazord while it's holding the Shuriken also called a Ninja
Star or just simply a Star